Have you ever hiked a trail or driven on a road you wished were straighter? What happened?
In what ways may a trail or road be prepared for travelers?
Mark 1:1-8
My Translation of the Chinese
The Son of God, Jesus Christ, the beginning of the Gospel. As the prophet Isaiah said: "Look, I dispatch my messenger before your face to prepare the way. In the wilderness is a voice crying: 'Prepare the Lord's way, straighten his path.'"
When this word appeared, John had come, in the wilderness baptizing and spreading a baptism of repentance, for the forgiveness of sins.'",All the people of Judah and Jerusalem came out to where John was, confessing their sins, in the Jordan receiving his baptism. John wore camel hair clothing, a leather belt, and he ate locusts and wild honey. He preached saying: "There is one who comes after me, greater than I. I am unworthy to stoop down and untie his shoelaces. I baptize you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."
Introductory Discussion Questions
What kinds of people send out messengers?
Have you known someone who predicted the future? Were they correct? Why or why not?
Have you ever seen or heard of a street being prepared for someone's coming? Describe what happened.
What is baptism?
Have you ever felt unworthy to do something? What happened?
Antonym Matching
beginning crooked
prepare stand
straight ending
after tie
unworthy oasis
stoop destroy
untie before
wilderness worthy
Synonym Matching
Gospel saying
God getting
wilderness way
crying lean over
path good news
receiving desert
stoop Jesus Christ
dispatch send
Listening Blank Fill
The Son of God, Jesus Christ, the beginning _______ the Gospel. As the prophet Isaiah said: "Look, I ______________ my messenger before your face to prepare the _____________. In the wilderness is a voice crying: 'Prepare ____________ Lord's way, straighten his path.'"
When this word ________________, John had come, in the wilderness baptizing and ______________ a baptism of repentance, for the forgiveness of _____________.'",All the people of Judah and Jerusalem came ____________ to where John was, confessing their sins, in __________ Jordan receiving his baptism. John wore camel hair ______________, a leather belt, and he ate locusts and __________ honey. He preached saying: "There is one who comes _____________ me, greater than I. I am unworthy to stoop ___________ and untie his shoelaces. I baptize you with ______________; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."
Pair Work Discussion Questions
Was Isaiah's prophecy true? Why?
Why do you think Mark begins his Gospel with an old prophecy?
Have you ever eaten locusts or grasshoppers? Describe the experience.
Why do you think people came out to hear John?
What do you think was the purpose of baptism?
How did John prepare the way for Jesus' coming?
Exercise Answers
Antonym matching: beginning-->ending, prepare-->destroy, straight-->crooked, after-->before, unworthy-->worthy, stoop-->stand, untie-->tie, wilderness-->oasis.
Synonym Matching: Gospel-->good news, God-->Jesus Christ, wilderness-->desert, crying-->saying, path-->way, receiving-->getting, stoop-->lean down, dispatch-->send.
Listening Blank Fill: of, dispatch, way, the, appeared, spreading, sins, out, the, clothing, wild, after, down, water.